Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Im a housewife! Day 1

Hello darlings and welcome to my very first post.  Although my maternity leave officially started on Friday last week (black Friday and I needed my final pre-baby shopping fix), this is my first post about the chronicles of being a housewife/soon to be mother.  Currently, I'm 39 weeks and 3 days - due to deliver a baby girl this Saturday.  Apparently only 4% of babies are born on their actual due date - so we shall see when she comes :)

I've been pretty blessed this pregnancy.  I only had a few days of morning sickness in my first trimester, and have had perfect blood pressure, and no issues with sugar or protein.  Our daughter has been very active inside of me, and has recently started her drop!  I haven't gained too much weight either, and I've had a pretty good amount of energy.  Since I've started maternity leave, I have enjoyed sleeping in, as well as taking several naps throughout the day.  I've got to get my rest now right - since I wont have much soon!

So what does one do during their first week of being a pregnant housewife.

1. Black Friday Shop!

This is my first year not Black Friday shopping in the states - & since I'm so prego, I went to my local mall to take advantage of some deals & finish off my Christmas shopping!  I also have been taking advantage of many fab Sephora deals lately, since I know Ill need them to look well rested soon - and luckily they had some great deals on many of my faves :)

2. Shop at Costco & do ridiculous amounts of cooking.

I've been reading how important it is to have pre made meals that are easy to warm up for the days when you first come home from the hospital - so I've been doing lots of cooking, so our meals don't all have to be delivery when I'm too tired to cook in the days to soon come.

3. Pack our hospital bag.

That's one thing I've been procrastinating on - but finally checked it off.  I must say, picking out what outfit our darling little Sophia will come home in is truly special :)  I'm also thankful for the Burt's Baby Bees mini travel kit, which has all the baby necessities I need, so I don't have to pack such large bottles of everything.

4. Watch Walking Dead mid season finale.

I'm not one to watch a lot of tv - but I do admit I'm a regular when it comes to Game of Thrones, Suits and Walking Dead.  Walking Dead - what a crazy mid season finale - and now no episodes til February :( 

5. Put up as many decorations as possible & mail out our Christmas cards.

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday of the year, and I have no problem putting decorations up a month early :)  Plus, I wanted to make sure I had them all up before Sophia comes home.

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