Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Mini Me - Dress Up With Sophie

Hello April!
I cant believe April is tomorrow!  It seems like March went by way too fast.  I'm definitely looking forward to April, starting with the Tulip Festival on Easter Weekend.  It will be our first mini road trip with Sophia, where we will see fields filled with arrays of colorful tulips, amidst the backdrops of snow-capped mountains. 
Thought Id share a few pictures of me and my mini me dressed up alike :)  Denim and pearls before a shopping date, and white sweaters in our first park date. 
Also Duke is in the final four!  #DukeNation


  1. Beautiful pictures! The pearls, a smash. Good luck to Duke! My hubbie isn't happy though. Sorry, he is not Duke fan.

  2. You two are too cute! She looks so fancy with her pearls and denim!

  3. Could you two be any cuter?!! Love this! I think Mim and I need some matching outfits!
